Codan Serial Numbers & Model Types
How to identify what radio you have.
Serial numbers on the plates pop riveted to the back of the PA's give you the make and model and serial number of the radio.
AXXXX "A" denotes band capability 1.8 - 18Mhz eg 8525A
BXXXX "B" denotes band capability 1.8 - 24Mhz eg 8525B or 8528, (Caution 8727 has 2 different model PA's both with different bandwidths).
The model number alone gives you the year and version of the model radio. eg. 8525 1985mfg date & version 25.
Some examples below.
7727 B, C, TB
8727 A or B
8525S (Marine)
8528S (Marine)
8525A A2626 late model
8525A A0408 Early model
8525B B6096
8525B Head model 8530 B3920
8528 B4814
8727 B3095